Anti-corruption activities

RUNY unites people with proactive civil postion

Anti-corruption activities

Corruption (from the Latin Corrumpere - to spoil, and the Latin Corruptio - bribery) - in accordance with Ukrainian laws - the use by government officials of their powers or related opportunities in order to obtain undue advantage, or acceptance of such advantage, or acceptance of promises / offers of such advantage to themselves, or, at their request, to other individuals or legal bodies.

To put it simply, corruption is the use by any official person of their power and authority to obtain illicit benefits.

RUNY develops and implements tools and mechanisms aimed at combating corruption at the local level, such as: promotion of conscious anti-corruption behavior of citizens, overcoming corrupt practices, monitoring of the compliance of wealth and lifestyle of public officials with their declared incomes; monitoring of public procurement and use of public funds; development of recommendations to synchronize local anti-corruption regulations with national legislation. We also work to establish transparency and openness of use of public funds, in particular, by analyzes of local budgets and expenses. We support communication, networking and capacity building of anti-corruption institutions and the implementation of civic anti-corruption initiatives.

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