Integration of internally displaced people
RUNY unites people with proactive civil postion
Integration of internally displaced people
In recent years, the issue of internally displaced persons has been one of the most significant for Ukraine. According to a United Nations report, the number of IDPs reaches more than 2 million, and these are officially registered ones. It is safe to say that the real number of people, who left all their property and moved to the government-controlled territory of Ukraine in search of a peaceful life, away from violence and danger, is much higher. In hosting communities IDPs, in most cases, are treated as strangers and are not welcomed with open arms. A large part of society was and still is not ready to accept these people in their regions. This situation creates a field for possible conflicts in Ukrainian society and leads to its further split. The lion's share of negative attitude towards IDPs is generated by negative stereotypes and unfounded myths, when misconceptions are mixed with reality and become part of it.
In addition, the problem of financial support for IDPs is urgent. The State covers only a meager part of their monthly expenses, and even this is a heavy burden on the budget, which is suffering from the economic crisis. Much assistance is provided by humanitarian and charitable organizations, but their resources are not limitless and may sooner or later run out.
RUNY promotes a strategy of full inclusion of internally displaced persons to the life of hosting communities, overcoming negative stereotypes and stigmatization, establishing fruitful cooperation between them and locals. We develop and implement professional re-educational programs for IDPs, help them find jobs, provide advisory and organizational support in starting / rebuilding of their own businesses and establishing business relationships in local communities.
We bring together people with an active civic position
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