Peace building and reconciliation

RUNY unites people with proactive civil postion

Peace building and reconciliation

In the conditions of democratic transformations that are taking place in Ukraine, there is a need for qualitative changes and effective transformations in the society, which faces the lack of national integration. The ongoing transformations do not find a proper response in the minds of many people, do not cause a corresponding transformation of their values ​​and behavioral patterns.

Today, the results of transformation of public consciousness fail to contribute to the construction of a monolith nation, and this negatively affects the course of social and political transformations. The regional, linguistic, cultural, and confessional heterogeneity of Ukrainian society does not transform it into a powerful resource for the growth of the State, but instead deepens the dangerous social division.

Historically inherited differences combine with the newly created lines of conflict between the supporters of different political visions. The lack of a clear and consistent state policy on integration of Ukrainian citizens into a monolith political nation leads to the processes of "atomization" of society, its disintegration into autonomous, closed and potentially conflicting with each other groups.

RUNY intends to find ways to overcome the political crisis and split in Ukrainian society, to build peace and establish social ties between the population of the government-controlled and the occupied territories of Ukraine on the basis of its territorial unity and compliance with the national interests.

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