Anti-discrimination and inclusion

RUNY unites people with proactive civil postion

Anti-discrimination and inclusion

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. There cannot be privileges or limitations on the ground of race, skin colour, political, religious or other beliefs, gender, ethnic and social origin, property status, place of residence, linguistic or other grounds.

Discrimination takes different forms:

  • direct discrimination — decisions, actions or inaction, which lead to less favorable treatment of person and/or group of people, based on certain grounds;
  • indirect discrimination — decisions, actions or inaction, legal norms or evaluation criteria, conditions or practices, that are formally equal to everyone, but could be applied with limitations or privileges in respect to different group of individuals, according to their specific characteristics;
  • incitement to discrimination — instructions or calls for discrimination concerning certain groups of people due to some specific grounds;
  • infringement — unacceptable behavior towards certain groups of people with the purpose of humiliation of their human dignity, or creation of tense, hostile, offensive and disparaging atmosphere towards them.

The activities of RUNY largely dedicated to the development and implementation of anti-discriminative and inclusive programs, aimed at overcoming negative stereotypes, discrimination and stigmatization of certain groups of the population in Ukraine.

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Contributing to the establishment of gender equality
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